Encouraging Contributions
Design elements and approaches that encourage contributors to engage, make changes and coordinate around specific tasks
Getting Started
All patterns in this category
Deliver Individual Value
Contributors may struggle to see the value in participating in the project.
Explorable Data
How can you help contributors see the current state of coverage or completeness of a dataset so that they can choose where to contribute?
Gamify Contributions
Contributors are not engaging with the project.
Invite All Contributions
Contributors aren’t always aware of where you need help in your project.
Maintaining a mature database involves carrying smaller repetitive tasks that may be less engaging for contributors
Organise Campaigns
Contributors’ attention needs to be focused on a milestone or a specific set of tasks.
Progress Indicator
Contributors need to see that the project is progressing.
Suggested Edits
Records in the dataset are incomplete but could be improved through some small additions.
Visibly Editable
It may not be clear to users that they can immediately fix a problem